Born and raised in Foster City, California, I attended Bowditch Middle School for 6th-8th grade.

Bowditch, I truly developed my love for the game of basketball, which has stuck with me until now. Little did I know, basketball would become a huge part of my life, as I still play competitively in any league that I can join.


After 8th grade, I moved to San Mateo, California and attended Hillsdale High School. Going to Hillsdale really taught me how "expand my horizons."

Although, I didn't know anybody from middle school, I made life-long relationships during my 4 years at Hillsdale.


After graduation, I made a very spontaneous decision to come to the University of Oregon. Luckily, this was the greatest decision of my life so far. Similar, to the situation that I was in at Hillsdale, I knew very few people at the school. Now, I can say some of my best friends attend the University of Oregon with me.

Currently, I am pursuing a Bachelors degree in Finance, with minors in Economics and Spanish. My anticipated graduation date is June, 2017.



As I mentioned before, basketball has always been my one true passion. I have developed countless life skills through the game of basketball and it will forever be a huge part of my life.   

Although I was the captain of my varsity team all four years, I was unable to play at the college level. Now, I am an avid fan of the Golden State Warriors.


Surprisingly enough, I started playing baseball before I ever touched a basketball. Unfortunately, I never found that same passion that I had for basketball when I was playing.

To this day, my biggest regret is not playing for my high school baseball team, as one of my biggest hobbies right now is to play catch with my buddies.


I never once played football competitively, but it is still one of my favorite sports to watch on TV. I enjoy tossing the pigskin around, but was always unwilling to play competitively because of my size.

Although, I never played the sport, I now know almost everything about it and consider myself a huge San Francisco 49ers fan.

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